Evening clouds

Evening clouds
Sunshine and Clouds

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Nurses, blogging, and me

Once again I find myself at the keyboard ready to say something more about the day I’ve had as a nurse particularly as I’ve started a new job today and have been prompted by Teresa Chinn to write a contribution to the #70NurseBloggers idea.

My reflection on my day is about the language we use when we’re at work. Whilst in my experience most acronyms are familiar, the localised versions thrown about in meetings can make understanding difficult and slow the flow whilst explanations are given. This is not exclusive to nursing; many clinical and non patient facing parts of the NHS are guilty of this. 

I’d argue that with a little thought, agendas and other documents could contain one example of each expanded title so we can quickly appreciate what it is we’re considering. It would aid transparency from a governance perspective too. My new NHS acute trust role (lead nurse for Palliative and End of Life Care) means I’ll be exposed to more examples of local lingo; it’ll be down to me to ask for clarification and then challenge where it’s used inappropriately. That way I can keep moving and lose the training wheels that Teresa mentions in her blog piece. 

I recognise I’m not a regular blogger; I wait for inspiration and eventually something prompts me to write. As a nurse I find it’s one way for me to express an idea or acknowledge an issue of concern as it arises. It’s a form of public reflection as well as an opportunity to see what others think. As we’re expected to revalidate (having recently done so) ones blog pieces can be used as evidence of reflection. 

So one way to approach starting blogging, or getting going on the one is to try writing a reflection that you can share in the open space of a blog piece. Draft if necessary on a Word or other document and take a little time over it. That way you can be sure to get your thoughts in order, keep your language clear, and make sure you don’t breach any social media guidance such as that from the NMC. Then publish the piece and be ready to get a response, more often than not it’ll be positive and at least appreciative of the time taken. Don’t worry if you’re not generating a huge debate, I think it’s better to speak up anyway and continue to give nursing it’s voice.

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