Evening clouds

Evening clouds
Sunshine and Clouds

Sunday, 25 September 2022

D38 #100WorkingDays Being myself

 Quite soon into my nurse training I realised the importance of making space for myself. I guess it was what we’d call mindfulness these days. I started some running with fellow students. At the back of the Colindale nurses home we could get into the local park and enjoy a circular run. We could also walk to and from work, or occasionally use the tube for one stop. 

Knowing there was life outside work was something I’d brought with me from my experiences. So I wanted to hear music, and be entertained. The cinema was a good place to go, as a day off in the week meant a partially filled screening. Another treat was going to Cecil Sharp House the home of English folk song and dancing. It was cheap and a great deal of fun. 

Eventually I found a balance through reading and travel to see friends, and occasionally having a big sleep. My confidence in myself grew too. The friendships at work were important with evenings (and occasional lunches) in the social club too. Meanwhile we were all developing as nurses and finding our niche for the future. For me there was definitely a sense of purpose I’d not had before.

©️Cecil Sharp House

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