So now I’m immersed in Nursing, and working towards becoming registered. There are lots of things to learn and practical skills to acquire. I found it useful to know something of the current news, and important sports results each morning. These gave me an opening to conversations with those in my care. Sharing a little of my self too could be helpful. And being visibly confident even when inside I was wasn’t was a trick to acquire.
Nursing quickly became a comfortable place to be, even during my training. Even now the precise reason for that is unclear. If following this blog series you’ll know I didn’t plan on Nursing as a career from a young age. I’ve known some nurses for which that early drive and passion never left them.
Here I was almost accidentally. Since then I’ve enjoyed (mostly) a fascinating time, with travel and meeting all sorts of folk along the way.I still enjoy thinking of the nursing family and how that has developed. Specialisms, advancing practice, and changes in regulation have all come along. Now we can communicate through Twitter and share via chats through @WeNurses for example. And then there’s the friendships, connections that have endured.
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